Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Blog #2: Keyboard Warriors and Internet Fallacies

Different informal fallacies in Social Media

Posts that I have chosen:

Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance
Just because no one has tried it before doesn’t mean it’s true. Sometimes you just have to use your common sense. This meme is an example of Appeal to Ignorance because it is true that no one has proven it yet that airplanes are more dangerous on the ground. There is no concrete evidence to this action. This action can’t be done because an airplane is too big to be driving on the ground plus an airplane is built so that transportation and travelling would be fast. An airplane is built to be used to fly in the air not to be driven on the ground. The second person is stupid enough to believe that the first person is right.

Fallacy: Composition
Just because a potato has a skin doesn’t mean you’re a potato. Potatoes can’t talk like us. If you throw a potato on the ground it would not scream “ouch”. This meme is an example of Composition fallacy because it shows that the first and second statement is true but the third is false. The DNA of a human person and a potato is different. We humans have a human brain while a potato on the other hand doesn’t. Potatoes don’t have blood or veins, nose etc. Finally, potatoes don’t have conscience.

Fallacy: Equivocation

             The first statement explains that going to school to study is killing us students. While the second statement explains that the more books the more trees that are going to be cut down to produce paper. To solve this problem, we people should plant more plants and trees. The more trees the more oxygen. This statement is an example of Equivocation because it uses an ambiguous term in more than one sense, thus making an argument misleading. The word “killing us” in the first statement means to us students. School kills us because of all the school works like assignments, quizzes, new lessons and Thesis. When you go to school, you can’t avoid stress unless you are not doing anything in school. You don’t do your assignments or listen to the teacher in short not paying attention in class. If you don’t pay attention in class, there’s a high chance that you would fail that class or subject

Fallacy: Appeal to Force
In this sentence, Bruno is that one saying that he deserves a good grade. Bruno is threatening the teacher to give him a good grade. Bruno is being unreasonable. If the teacher doesn’t give him a good grade, Bruno might do something bad to the teacher. This is an example of Appeal to Force because Bruno is forcing the teacher to give him a good grade. Just like my teacher in Philosophy would say “if you deserve to fail I will give you a failing mark but if you deserve to pass I will give you a passing grade”. My teacher’s advice to those who are going to fail his subject is to “man up” meaning to study hard until you are confident enough to take the test, confident enough that your answers in the test are right.

Fallacy: False Cause

The one who caused the fire isn’t the fireman. A fireman is the one who puts out the fire. The statement should be “The more fireman the lesser the fire. The example blames the firemen as the cause of the huge fire. The fire was not huge, before the firemen came into the picture. This statement is an example of a false cause because the whole statement is wrong.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the common characteristics of the social media posts you have chosen?

-     The posts that I have chosen in the social media are different from one another. The first post that I have chosen is about a guy proclaiming that driving an airplane on the ground is safer in the sky. The second explains that he is a potato because they both have skin. The third explains that school is killing us students and people because of the school works and because the more you cut trees the lessen the oxygen. The fourth explains that the student is forcing the teacher to give him good grades even though he didn’t do well in his subject. The fifth explains that firemen are the reason why there is fire.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media to express your personal opinion or perspective, or even posting personal takes about your life?

-     The advantages of this are, so that people would know on how you feel about a certain topic, so that your family and friends would know on how you feel right now if you are sick or happy. The disadvantages of this invasion of privacy. Not every time you should tweet or post you feelings. Sometimes you should just keep it with yourself.

3.  How can you become a responsible user of social media through philosophical reasoning? What advice can you give to the many “keyboard warriors” in the internet on responsible use of social media?

-       By not bashing other people in social media like saying inappropriate words to their post or comment. By not posting inappropriate posts or tweets. By thinking before clicking. In this scenario thinking before posting. My advice to the keyboard warriors is to stop giving incorrect advice and theories which can end up preventing others from making progress in their training, or potentially even cause them to get ill. Stop from preventing others in making progress in their training, or potentially even cause them to get ill.

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